Friday 26 June 2009


Vacontil may be available in the countries listed below.

Ingredient matches for Vacontil


Loperamide is reported as an ingredient of Vacontil in the following countries:

  • Vietnam

Loperamide hydrochloride (a derivative of Loperamide) is reported as an ingredient of Vacontil in the following countries:

  • Bahrain

  • Iraq

  • Jordan

  • Oman

  • Singapore

  • Sri Lanka

  • Sudan

  • Yemen

International Drug Name Search

Thursday 25 June 2009

Azithromycin Sandoz

Azithromycin Sandoz may be available in the countries listed below.

Ingredient matches for Azithromycin Sandoz


Azithromycin is reported as an ingredient of Azithromycin Sandoz in the following countries:

  • Czech Republic

  • Estonia

  • Latvia

  • Lithuania

Azithromycin dihydrate (a derivative of Azithromycin) is reported as an ingredient of Azithromycin Sandoz in the following countries:

  • Switzerland

Azithromycin monohydrate (a derivative of Azithromycin) is reported as an ingredient of Azithromycin Sandoz in the following countries:

  • Austria

  • Denmark

  • Germany

  • Slovakia

  • Sweden

Azithromycin monohydrate hemiethanolate (a derivative of Azithromycin) is reported as an ingredient of Azithromycin Sandoz in the following countries:

  • Canada

International Drug Name Search

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Zinc Aspartate

CAS registry number (Chemical Abstracts Service)


Chemical Formula


Molecular Weight


Therapeutic Category

Mineral supplement

Chemical Name

(RS)-Zink dihydrogenaspartat (IUPAC)

Foreign Names

  • Zincum asparagicum (Latin)
  • Zink bis(hydrogen-DL-aspartat) (German)

Generic Names

  • Bis(aspartato)zinc (IS)
  • Zinc aspartate (IS)
  • Zink DL-aspartat (IS)
  • Zink DL-hydrogenasparaginat (IS)

Brand Names

  • Unizink
    Köhler, Germany

  • Zincas
    Farmapol, Poland

  • Zinkaspart
    Twardy, Germany

  • Zinkotase
    Biosyn, Germany

International Drug Name Search


IUPACInternational Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
ISInofficial Synonym

Click for further information on drug naming conventions and International Nonproprietary Names.

Monday 15 June 2009


Keramo may be available in the countries listed below.

Ingredient matches for Keramo


Famotidine is reported as an ingredient of Keramo in the following countries:

  • Japan

International Drug Name Search

Aimafix D.I.

Aimafix D.I. may be available in the countries listed below.

Ingredient matches for Aimafix D.I.

Coagulation Factor IX, Human

Coagulation Factor IX, Human is reported as an ingredient of Aimafix D.I. in the following countries:

  • Bulgaria

  • Serbia

International Drug Name Search

Friday 12 June 2009

Esorid MPS

Esorid MPS may be available in the countries listed below.

Ingredient matches for Esorid MPS


Cisapride is reported as an ingredient of Esorid MPS in the following countries:

  • India


Dimeticone is reported as an ingredient of Esorid MPS in the following countries:

  • India

International Drug Name Search

Thursday 11 June 2009


Bupicaine may be available in the countries listed below.

Ingredient matches for Bupicaine


Bupivacaine is reported as an ingredient of Bupicaine in the following countries:

  • Tunisia

International Drug Name Search

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Ranitidine Mylan

Ranitidine Mylan may be available in the countries listed below.

Ingredient matches for Ranitidine Mylan


Ranitidine hydrochloride (a derivative of Ranitidine) is reported as an ingredient of Ranitidine Mylan in the following countries:

  • Belgium

International Drug Name Search

Sunday 7 June 2009

Magium 5 / 10 Brause

Magium 5/10 Brause may be available in the countries listed below.

Ingredient matches for Magium 5/10 Brause

Magnesium Oxide

Magnesium Oxide light (a derivative of Magnesium Oxide) is reported as an ingredient of Magium 5/10 Brause in the following countries:

  • Germany

International Drug Name Search

Saturday 6 June 2009


Generic Name: cyclosporine

Dosage Form: ophthalmic emulsion

(cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion) 0.05%

Sterile, Preservative-Free


Restasis® (cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion) 0.05% contains a topical immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory effects. Cyclosporine's chemical name is Cyclo[[(E) - (2S,3R,4R) - 3 - hydroxy - 4 - methyl - 2 - (methylamino) - 6 - octenoyl] - L - 2 - aminobutyryl - N - methylglycyl - N - methyl - L - leucyl - L - valyl - N - methyl - L - leucyl - L - alanyl - D - alanyl - N - methyl - L - leucyl - N - methyl - L - leucyl - N - methyl - L - valyl] and it has the following structure:

Structural Formula

Cyclosporine is a fine white powder. Restasis® appears as a white opaque to slightly translucent homogeneous emulsion. It has an osmolality of 230 to 320 mOsmol/kg and a pH of 6.5-8.0. Each mL of Restasis® ophthalmic emulsion contains: Active: cyclosporine 0.05%. Inactives: glycerin; castor oil; polysorbate 80; carbomer copolymer type A; purified water; and sodium hydroxide to adjust pH.


Mechanism of Action

Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive agent when administered systemically.

In patients whose tear production is presumed to be suppressed due to ocular inflammation associated with keratoconjunctivitis sicca, cyclosporine emulsion is thought to act as a partial immunomodulator. The exact mechanism of action is not known.


Blood cyclosporin A concentrations were measured using a specific high pressure liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry assay. Blood concentrations of cyclosporine, in all the samples collected, after topical administration of Restasis® 0.05%, BID, in humans for up to 12 months, were below the quantitation limit of 0.1 ng/mL. There was no detectable drug accumulation in blood during 12 months of treatment with Restasis® ophthalmic emulsion.

Clinical Evaluations

Four multicenter, randomized, adequate and well-controlled clinical studies were performed in approximately 1200 patients with moderate to severe keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Restasis® demonstrated statistically significant increases in Schirmer wetting of 10 mm versus vehicle at six months in patients whose tear production was presumed to be suppressed due to ocular inflammation. This effect was seen in approximately 15% of Restasis® ophthalmic emulsion treated patients versus approximately 5% of vehicle treated patients. Increased tear production was not seen in patients currently taking topical anti-inflammatory drugs or using punctal plugs.

No increase in bacterial or fungal ocular infections was reported following administration of Restasis®.


Restasis® ophthalmic emulsion is indicated to increase tear production in patients whose tear production is presumed to be suppressed due to ocular inflammation associated with keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Increased tear production was not seen in patients currently taking topical anti-inflammatory drugs or using punctal plugs.


Restasis® is contraindicated in patients with active ocular infections and in patients with known or suspected hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in the formulation.


Restasis® ophthalmic emulsion has not been studied in patients with a history of herpes keratitis.


General: For ophthalmic use only.

Information for Patients

The emulsion from one individual single-use vial is to be used immediately after opening for administration to one or both eyes, and the remaining contents should be discarded immediately after administration.

Do not allow the tip of the vial to touch the eye or any surface, as this may contaminate the emulsion.

Restasis® should not be administered while wearing contact lenses. Patients with decreased tear production typically should not wear contact lenses. If contact lenses are worn, they should be removed prior to the administration of the emulsion. Lenses may be reinserted 15 minutes following administration of Restasis® ophthalmic emulsion.

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, and Impairment of Fertility

Systemic carcinogenicity studies were carried out in male and female mice and rats. In the 78-week oral (diet) mouse study, at doses of 1, 4, and 16 mg/kg/day, evidence of a statistically significant trend was found for lymphocytic lymphomas in females, and the incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas in mid-dose males significantly exceeded the control value.

In the 24-month oral (diet) rat study, conducted at 0.5, 2, and 8 mg/kg/day, pancreatic islet cell adenomas significantly exceeded the control rate in the low dose level. The hepatocellular carcinomas and pancreatic islet cell adenomas were not dose related. The low doses in mice and rats are approximately 1000 and 500 times greater, respectively, than the daily human dose of one drop (28 μL) of 0.05% Restasis® BID into each eye of a 60 kg person (0.001 mg/kg/day), assuming that the entire dose is absorbed.

Cyclosporine has not been found mutagenic/genotoxic in the Ames Test, the V79-HGPRT Test, the micronucleus test in mice and Chinese hamsters, the chromosome-aberration tests in Chinese hamster bone-marrow, the mouse dominant lethal assay, and the DNA-repair test in sperm from treated mice. A study analyzing sister chromatid exchange (SCE) induction by cyclosporine using human lymphocytes in vitro gave indication of a positive effect (i.e., induction of SCE).

No impairment in fertility was demonstrated in studies in male and female rats receiving oral doses of cyclosporine up to 15 mg/kg/day (approximately 15,000 times the human daily dose of 0.001 mg/kg/day) for 9 weeks (male) and 2 weeks (female) prior to mating.

Pregnancy-Teratogenic Effects

Pregnancy category C.

Teratogenic Effects: No evidence of teratogenicity was observed in rats or rabbits receiving oral doses of cyclosporine up to 300 mg/kg/day during organogenesis. These doses in rats and rabbits are approximately 300,000 times greater than the daily human dose of one drop (28 μL) 0.05% Restasis® BID into each eye of a 60 kg person (0.001mg/kg/day), assuming that the entire dose is absorbed.

Non-Teratogenic Effects: Adverse effects were seen in reproduction studies in rats and rabbits only at dose levels toxic to dams. At toxic doses (rats at 30 mg/kg/day and rabbits at 100 mg/kg/day), cyclosporine oral solution, USP, was embryo- and fetotoxic as indicated by increased pre- and postnatal mortality and reduced fetal weight together with related skeletal retardations. These doses are 30,000 and 100,000 times greater, respectively than the daily human dose of one drop (28 μL) of 0.05% Restasis® BID into each eye of a 60 kg person (0.001 mg/kg/day), assuming that the entire dose is absorbed. No evidence of embryofetal toxicity was observed in rats or rabbits receiving cyclosporine at oral doses up to 17 mg/kg/day or 30 mg/kg/day, respectively, during organogenesis. These doses in rats and rabbits are approximately 17,000 and 30,000 times greater, respectively, than the daily human dose.

Offspring of rats receiving a 45 mg/kg/day oral dose of cyclosporine from Day 15 of pregnancy until Day 21 postpartum, a maternally toxic level, exhibited an increase in postnatal mortality; this dose is 45,000 times greater than the daily human topical dose, 0.001 mg/kg/day, assuming that the entire dose is absorbed. No adverse events were observed at oral doses up to 15 mg/kg/day (15,000 times greater than the daily human dose).

There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of Restasis® in pregnant women. Restasis® should be administered to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.

Nursing Mothers

Cyclosporine is known to be excreted in human milk following systemic administration but excretion in human milk after topical treatment has not been investigated. Although blood concentrations are undetectable after topical administration of Restasis® ophthalmic emulsion, caution should be exercised when Restasis® is administered to a nursing woman.

Pediatric Use

The safety and efficacy of Restasis® ophthalmic emulsion have not been established in pediatric patients below the age of 16.

Geriatric Use

No overall difference in safety or effectiveness has been observed between elderly and younger patients.

Adverse Reactions

The most common adverse event following the use of Restasis® was ocular burning (17%).

Other events reported in 1% to 5% of patients included conjunctival hyperemia, discharge, epiphora, eye pain, foreign body sensation, pruritus, stinging, and visual disturbance (most often blurring).


Invert the unit dose vial a few times to obtain a uniform, white, opaque emulsion before using. Instill one drop of Restasis® ophthalmic emulsion twice a day in each eye approximately 12 hours apart. Restasis® can be used concomitantly with artificial tears, allowing a 15 minute interval between products. Discard vial immediately after use.

How is Restasis Supplied

Restasis® ophthalmic emulsion is packaged in single use vials. Each vial contains 0.4 mL fill in a 0.9 mL LDPE vial; 30 vials are packaged in a polypropylene tray with an aluminum peelable lid. The entire contents of each tray (30 vials) must be dispensed intact. Restasis® is also provided in a 60 count (2 x 30) package (one month supply) that must be dispensed intact.

30 Vials 0.4 mL each - NDC 0023-9163-30

60 (2 x 30) Vials 0.4 mL each - NDC 0023-9163-60

Storage: Store Restasis® ophthalmic emulsion at 15 - 25° C (59 - 77° F).


Rx Only

Revised: 02/2010

© 2010 Allergan, Inc.

Irvine, CA 92612, U.S.A.

® marks owned by Allergan, Inc.

U.S. Patent 5,474,979

Made in the U.S.A.


Vial –


(cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion) 0.05%

Allergan, Inc.

Label –

NDC 0023-9163-60

No. 93587


(Cyclosporine Ophthalmic Emulsion) 0.05%

60 Single-Use Vials (0.4 mL each) One Month Supply Sterile, Preservative-Free

Each mL contains: Active: cyclosporine 0.05% Inactives: glycerin; castor oil; polysorbate 80; carbomer copolymer type A; purified water; and sodium hydroxide to adjust the pH. Usual Dosage: Twice daily approximately 12 hours apart. Invert the vial before using. Use immediately after opening and then discard.

Note: Store at 15 - 25° C (59 - 77° F). Store vials in the thermoformed tray until use. The entire contents of each package (60 vials) must be dispensed intact.

© 2010 Allergan, Inc.

Irvine, CA 92612, U.S.A.

® marks owned by Allergan, Inc.

U.S. Patent 5,474,979

Made in the U.S.A.




Rx only


cyclosporine  emulsion

Product Information
Product TypeHUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUGNDC Product Code (Source)0023-9163
Route of AdministrationOPHTHALMICDEA Schedule    

Active Ingredient/Active Moiety
Ingredient NameBasis of StrengthStrength
cyclosporine (cyclosporine)cyclosporine0.5 mg  in 1 mL

Inactive Ingredients
Ingredient NameStrength
castor oil 
polysorbate 80 
carbomer copolymer type A 
sodium hydroxide 

Product Characteristics
Color    Score    
FlavorImprint Code

#NDCPackage DescriptionMultilevel Packaging
10023-9163-125 VIAL In 1 CARTONcontains a VIAL, SINGLE-USE
10.4 mL In 1 VIAL, SINGLE-USEThis package is contained within the CARTON (0023-9163-12)
20023-9163-3030 VIAL In 1 TRAYcontains a VIAL, SINGLE-USE
20.4 mL In 1 VIAL, SINGLE-USEThis package is contained within the TRAY (0023-9163-30)
30023-9163-602 TRAY In 1 PACKAGEcontains a TRAY (0023-9163-30)
30023-9163-3030 VIAL In 1 TRAYThis package is contained within the PACKAGE (0023-9163-60) and contains a VIAL, SINGLE-USE
30.4 mL In 1 VIAL, SINGLE-USEThis package is contained within a TRAY (0023-9163-30) and a PACKAGE (0023-9163-60)

Marketing Information
Marketing CategoryApplication Number or Monograph CitationMarketing Start DateMarketing End Date

Labeler - Allergan, Inc. (144796497)

Allergan, Inc.362898611MANUFACTURE
Revised: 05/2010Allergan, Inc.

More Restasis resources

  • Restasis Side Effects (in more detail)
  • Restasis Dosage
  • Restasis Use in Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
  • Restasis Support Group
  • 1 Review for Restasis - Add your own review/rating

  • Restasis eent Monograph (AHFS DI)

  • Restasis Advanced Consumer (Micromedex) - Includes Dosage Information

  • Restasis Drops MedFacts Consumer Leaflet (Wolters Kluwer)

  • Restasis Consumer Overview

Compare Restasis with other medications

  • Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca